Bersama Capital

Helping your start-up to become a sustainable business.

From initial capital through to early stage seed investment, we are able to support web application developmentcompanies from ideation to proof of concept to commercialisation.

Working Together Is Our Priority

Bersama Capital

The word “bersama” means together in Malay.  This is our ethos when working with start-ups whether internal or external.  We consider ourselves partners in the business, leveraging our internal skill sets to make your company successful.

It starts with an idea...

Having an internal start-up studio we understand the ideation process and how testing the idea to achieve product market fit is one of the most important steps in moving forward.

Adequate research into both the potential product and market is so often overlooked.  We believe in doing this properly to ensure maximum product success.

Too many start-up fail because their products were not adequately tested.

The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.

Albert Einstein

And when things start to happen, don't worry, don't stew. Just go right along, and you'll start happening too.

Dr Suess

We support our investments through the various start-up stages

We believe that it is more than writing a cheque and that a strategically planned approach is one of the keys. Most early stage investors plan on 75% of their startups failing  We just want 100% of ours to be successful.

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Bersama Capital is an Aderyn Ventures Company

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